JJ Trio
A modern, contemporary jazz trio
Julian Jahanpour - piano
Borja Caballero - bass
Bryan Curtis - drums
JJ Trio
JJ Trio
​"Este trío de jazz contemporáneo está formado por el londinense Julian Jahanpour en el piano, el sevillano Borja Caballero en el bajo y el irlandés Bryan Curtis en la batería; todos virtuosos de sus instrumentos. Los tres llevan años tocando en Barcelona, en grupos de diferentes estilos de música. En 2019 formaron este trío y juntaron toda su amplia experiencia. Juntos crean un sonido moderno, explosivo, vital, y a la vez sutil y delicado."
contactar - jjahanpour@gmail.com
​"JJ Trio is a contemporary jazz trio formed by Julian Jahanpour, Borja Caballero and Bryan Curtis. The three have many years of experience playing different styles of music in various formations and here they bring together their collective experience. Julian, from near London is the pianist of the group, Borja from Seville and Brian from Ireland play bass and drums respectively, all virtuosos on their instruments.
Together they create an explosive sound, vital as well as subtle and delicate at times."
for bookings contact - jjahanpour@gmail.com

Berenger U-Phoria